Ollie Sandeman
Ollie is an advanced whitewater canoe coach, advanced open water canoe coach, advanced whitewater kayak coach trained and advanced whitewater leader in both canoe and kayak.
Ollie has acquired a huge amount of experience with over 14 years in the industry. After leaving college with an outdoor education National diploma he entered the industry working for Acorn Adventure over three seasons both in Italy and in the Ardeche where many great canoeists have started their career. Ollie spent two seasons here as a river leader responsible for 6 members of staff and up to 60 clients, leading them over two days down the gorge at the age of 18.
Since then Ollie has worked freelance working as a paddlesport coach, guide and provider for multiple companies and organisations in the UK.
Ollie lived in New Zealand for 15months where he worked safety kayaking and running an ecological kayak tour company. Living on the west coast of the South Island provided some of the best whitewater in NZ on his doorstep.
Ollie has paddled extensively in Wales, Scotland and the French alps. He has paddled in New Zealand, Sweden, Italy and recently lead an expedition to Canada leading 36 students through the Alqonquin national park over 6 days.
Ollie believes it is essential for a coach to maintain active and passionate in paddling and regularly pushes his personal development paddling the Welsh whitewater and waterfalls of South Wales, taking yearly wilderness canoe expeditions to Scotland and always looking for the next challenge.
Ollie was awarded a Royal Humane Society award in 2011 for saving the life of a woman who was in danger of drowning in the river wye whilst it was in full flood in January.
Ollie is a brand ambassador for NRS and Zet Kayaks UK.